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Citizen Boards
Apalachicola citizens have an opportunity to volunteer their time and expertise on several citizen advisory boards and committees. The City Commission appoints citizen boards and committees, and their terms vary. There are two different types of volunteer groups that the City Commission appoints, boards and committees. Boards have more regulatory authority, and committees are appointed in an advisory capacity. Examples of boards would include the Planning and Zoning Board, Architectural Review Board, and Board of Adjustment. The rest are considered advisory committees. Each of the City's current boards and member makeup is listed below.
Current Vacancies
The City of Apalachicola is currently taking applications from interested citizens who have a desire to get involved with the preservation and enhancement of the City of Apalachicola’s unique historical, architectural, and working waterfront characteristics by serving as volunteer board members.
- Parks and Recreation Committee - 1 Vacancy
- Library Board - 1 Alternate Vacancy
- Tree Committee - 2 Vacancies and 1 Alternate Vacancy
- P&Z Board - 1 Alternate Vacancy
Planning and Zoning Board
The Apalachicola Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) is made up of seven persons who, based on their expertise or occupation, serve as advisory members in reviewing building permits, proposed development site plans, and proposed renovation and rehabilitation of historic structures within the City as well as new construction within the City's Historic District. The board, appointed by the City Commission, reviews permits, site plans, stormwater management plans, special exceptions, and other proposed developments for consistency with the City's Land Development Regulations as well as for consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The P&Z also periodically reviews existing land development regulations and makes recommendations for changes, whenever necessary, to the City Commission.
Current members: Joe Taylor - Chair, Jim Bachrach, Elizabeth Milliken, Bobby Miller, Lee McLemore, Chase Galloway, Myrtis Wynn, Greg Golgowski - Alternate
Architectural Review Board
The Apalachicola Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) serves as the City's Architectural Review Board to ensure that all development that occurs within the City is compatible with other historic resources within the City's historic district. Current members include the existing planning and zoning board.
Board of Adjustment
The Apalachicola Board of Adjustment, appointed by the City Commission, comprises seven persons. The board acts to consider appeals to any administrative order, requirement, decision, or determination made by the local government. The board also hears requests for variances from the land development regulation requirements.
Current members: Carrie Kienzle - Chair, Anna-Maria Cannatella, Tricia McLemore, Atul Patel, Dennis Winterringer, Dodie Alber, Diane Brewer, Chris Presnell - Alternate
Library Board
This committee is responsible for overseeing all activities of the Apalachicola Margaret Key Public Library and for making recommendations to the City for improvements to the library.
Current members: Sondra Taylor-Furbee - Chair, Ralph Wagoner, Audie Pieper, Jerry Hurley, Dolores Croom
Housing Authority Board
This committee is responsible for overseeing the operation of the Apalachicola Housing Authority at each of the City's two housing projects at 14th Street and 11th Street.
Current members: Fonda Davis - Chair, Kevin Ward, Michael Moron, Pete Adams, Nedra Jefferson
Tree Committee
The Tree Committee promotes the planting and care of trees. It holds monthly Committee meetings that are open to the public; gives advice to the City Commission on the tree protection and removal requirements of the City's Tree Ordinance; interacts with the Code Enforcement Officer on applications submitted to remove protected trees; proposes and plants, or oversees the planting of, trees in parks, squares, cemeteries, and other properties owned by the City; and in conjunction with the Arbor Day Foundation's Tree City designation, annually holds an Arbor Day event.
Current members: Dennis Winterringer - Chair, Scott Davis, Commissioner Anita Grove - City Liaison, Sam Berkheiser
Parks & Recreation Committee
Current members: Torben Madson - Chair, Mark Milliken - Vice Chair, Elinor Mount-Simmons, Donna Ingle, Faye Gibson, Lynn Wilder, Julie Bishop - Alternate